just a place for me to do the blog thing
Published on October 28, 2005 By mavx21 In Ideas
As I was perusing the screenshots the other night, an idea smacked me on the head... (forgive me if it's already been discussed) This screenshot in particular: https://www.galciv2.com/screenshots/beta3/usenet32.jpg

I would like to see the Available Projects list be tabbed similar to the ship design screen for the different type of ship parts... or in some other way allow me to filter out the projects I dont want to see, so I can get to the building I want without having to scan through that mess. In GC1 this wasnt really an issue because you were going to build everything anyway so all you needed was a governors queue setup and you could forget about it.... but with the movement towards 'unique' planets and limiting the amount of things you can build on a planet, it would be nice to have that list cleaned up a little bit.

Social, Economical, Military, Cultural - Any other 'category' you can think of?

on Oct 28, 2005

Farming, and Research.  However, I don't know that this will be necessary as you should only ever have the latest in a given category, plus any wonders, super projects, and capitals so the list won't be that long.  The older improvements are obsoleted as new ones become available, and there's the auto upgrade option to automatically upgrade your built and queued projects as the new improvements become avaialble. 

There's also an auto-terraform option; as you research soil enhancement, etc, it immediately gets added to your queue.

on Oct 28, 2005
Now THAT'S what I call Progress! Excellent implementation of anti-micromanagement tools. And yet, I'm curious -- will it be possible to "tag" a planet with one of these categories and have it automatically follow a build que (somewhat like switching governors in the first game but more localized?) For instance, if you want a "farming" planet, will you be able to set up the appropriate build-que at the push of a single button? Hmm... I just read back over that question, and I'm not sure myself about its clarity. Do you *sort of* get what I'm trying to say, or have I completely bungled the idea?
on Oct 28, 2005
You want to select a pre-set build queue to create a specialised colony. Make this word into a research centre, build the following improvements.
on Oct 28, 2005
Give the man a cigar! Precisely.
on Oct 28, 2005

No, we don't have any kind of colony template thing at the moment.  We're going to want you feedback on what we currently have before we make any further changes to it.

on Oct 28, 2005
Diplomat Ugleb said:
You want to select a pre-set build queue to create a specialised colony. Make this word into a research centre, build the following improvements.

*agrees valiantly then sends a escort of 5 million soilders conscripted from The Lowan homeworld*
on Oct 29, 2005
I think I'm being invaded by a vast army of Lowa fanatics. Now that is scary!
on Oct 29, 2005
I think I'm being invaded by a vast army of Lowa fanatics. Now that is scary!

Hmm... you know, an unstable hive mind might explain the writing style