just a place for me to do the blog thing
round2 !
Published on November 9, 2005 By mavx21 In Bug Reports
Just a collection of thoughts, bugs, glitches, weirdness or other things... no real order to it. I'll try to label each thing so you can skim for the important stuff.

BUG build times
(big) Others have likely reported this or mentioned it, or what have you... but I'll just re-iterate. The build times for projects/ships are not 100% accurate, sometimes you will stay on "1 week" for 2 or more turns. Most evident if you start a new game, flip your spending sliders to 100% social, 100% spending, build a factory... it claims 1 week, but it really takes 2.
(small) In addition to that, if you have 0% military production, the quick build list and starport UIs show a -1 for build time...whereas the colony management screen properly changes this to a "Never".

SUGGESTION quick build list
I believe Cari mentioned in the past that the quick build list would be getting a button to purchase a ship.... or maybe Im just remembering it the way I want to? Either way, could we please get such a button in the QBL?

GLITCH planet details UI
(polish) Whilst in your polish mode and cleaning up your text strings... the "word on the street" has some funky characters in it... I noticed it on the one that said "Taxes are at a pretty fair level right now. Alan Bradley seems to be a decient job keeping things balanced...let's hope it stays that way." The funky characters are at the beginning and the end of that snippet, and the misspelling is not my typo.

GLITCH planet details UI
(polish) more /n's in text... this time in the main planet description, center screen.

BUG planet details UI
Starbase bonuses are not being listed.

THOUGHT planet details UI
Is there a point to having "Demolish All Improvements" and "Destroy Colony"? I would think the only time youd want to do either would be if they held some nifty improvments, perhaps a 1per galaxy type... and you were unable to prevent an impending invasion.... given that; why have both buttons here?

THOUGHT main map, stars
(non-critical) Star colors on the map; in GC1 didnt they represent how suitable the planets were in that system? yellow = teh goods, etc? I see alot of yellow stars nowadays with several planets, but all class 0...

SUGGESTION game creation, starting locations
I'm sure this has been brought up before, but Im going to toss it in here because I dont have time to scroll through the forums too deeply (oi vey, search ftw!)... Anyway, [/excuses]

I would desperately like to be able to set the starting points of all the races involved in a game... not directly, but with a slider like "clustered, distant, king of the hill (clustered in the middle), cornered, etc"
I dont particularly enjoy starting a game on, say, a huge map or bigger and having everybody clustered together on 1/3 of the map...
on Nov 09, 2005
GLITCH ships on the main map
(polish, cosmetic) There is still that quirky, non-critical, issue of ships being painted on screen, facing a direction they are not traveling. It's purely cosmetic, if you manually move them, or leave them on auto pilot and watch them move, theyre facing will properly change...
on Nov 09, 2005
That ship facing glitch is due to its facing not being remembered/calculated at all before its first displayed. The default is north.

Scroll a ship of yours on autopilot off screen, hit turn. Scroll over to where your off-screen ship is. It has lost its facing. Not a critical thing in a beta, but something that needs to be polished up before "retail" release.
on Nov 10, 2005
Just a little thing: give a read to the "All Testers Read This Please" thread:


To make it efficient, bugs are posted in a specific thread without any other content.