just a place for me to do the blog thing
ready for download!
Published on November 22, 2005 By mavx21 In Galactic Civilizations II
Well, I'll go ahead and beat Brad to the punch here. =P

SDC version: 0.78[b].005

The big changes:
- United Planets now in!
- Minor Races now in!
- tech tree & techs revamped!
- planetary improvement maintainence cost revamped (read further for more info)
- morality related techs introduced
- lots of bug fixes

Complete 'history.txt' printout for this upgrade
Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords
v0.78 BETA 4C Release (November 22, 2005)

Notes for v0.78 BETA Release
+ 5 Scenarios included
+ Animated Drengin ambassador
+ Mini-animated profiles for several races for United Planets
+ fixed bug that made everyone industrialists
+ added domestic governor screen
+ fix to planetwnd not showing correct bonuses for imps in build list
+ fix to crash for saving scenarios without triggers
+ Implemented Foreign Treaties Summary Text
+ Changed Quick Build to have buy and done buttons instead of build and cance
+ made it so that Quick Build list doesn't reset planetlist
+ Changed cancel button on treaties popup to say done
+ Changed trade money spinner increments based on max value
+ fixed listgrid on starbase details wnd
+ fixed Foreign Relations entries to show up in correct locations
+ fixed crash in CheckForDefections caused by calling UpdatePlanetIcons (accessing the scene graph from a thread). Now it checks to see if it needs to update the planet icons from classColony::UpdateTurn.
+ added filters to starport and shipyard screens
+ fixed gnn behavior when switching to planet details wnd or starport, etc.
+ fixed bug where foreign stats weren't refreshing when you clicked on another civ.
+ fixed bug where once you played a scenario, it wouldn't unlock the racewnd
+ fixed missing strings lost due to merge error
+ commented out code that references OBJIDs that no longer exist in dxpacks for TitleWnd, OpponentWnd, ResearchWnd, and the Gamescreen so that they won't keep reporting as missing in the debug.err
+ changed it so that the out of bounds tiling info error only prints out to debug.err if the DEBUG command line parameter is used.
+ fixed memory leak caused by trying to free memory that had not been allocated by the memory manager
+ tweaked overlay shrinking code
+ added starport overlay, added overlay for planets with stuff in queue, added overlay for planets with nothing in the queue but has available tiles, removed Economic, Production, and Research Capital overlays
+ made saveitemwnd tinted
+ United Planets In
+ Foreign United Planets screen functioning (though missing it's piechart and votes rundown)
+ Espionage hooked up to Foreign Report and other screens
+ drengin animation checked into the game
+ "Traditional Warfare" Invasion tactic always showing up
+ Fixed a bug where the camera scrolled to a battle after it was finished
+ Fixed a bug in collision detection code in full battles
+ Implemented Civilization Manager screens
+ Implemented Race Legend screen
+ GNN now uses high resolution image for improvements
+ Fixed a bug where ships could be added to a fleet during a battle
+ Fixed a bug where ships and fleets could be disbanded during a battle
+ Fixed a bug where a fleet entered a planet and left a one ship fleet outside
+ Added a popup message when a civilization is defeated by culture
+ Added a popup message when a survey ship on Auto-survey cannot find any anomalies
+ Fixed a bug where ship icons in Full Battle would show full damage before the battle started
+ Fixed several ALT-TAB related crashes
+ Fixed a bug when jumping to the end of a full battle + Damage for shots in space was not being properly added
+ Fixed a bug with defense animations (ie. shields, etc) They would come up too early and wouldn't stop playing at times.
+ Fixed a bug when conquering a planet + what the Starport is building is now cleared
+ Implemented 3D Planet scene and Improvement Image in Galactic Achievement window
+ Changed former "Graphs" button on Main screen to open the Civilization Manager
+ Fixed a bug where Planet Details screen would use an incorrect texture for the moon
+ Fixed a bug in the Tech Tree when loading a game from within a game
+ Fixed a bug that allowed the player to destroy improvements for AI planets from the Planet Details screen
+ Fixed a bug in the Full Battles where the HP Damage displayed in the icons was out of synch with the action on-screen
+ Metaverse fixes
+ Tech tree filtering (right click is the UI right now, will be updated).
+ Some size selection fixes to the tech tree
+ Tech tree support good, evil, and neutral techs
+ Various fixes to the tech tree
+ A general cleaning of the tech tree to remove redundant techs, add new techs, and game balancing.
+ Planetary improvements, galactic achievements, and super projects now implemented.
+ Tech tree re-aligned to bring things up earlier
+ Your home planet contains your civlization capital wich provides a lot of industry and other goodies.
+ Colonies have a LOT of maintainence to start with. But planetary improvements have virtually no additional maint. The idea is on large maps to make colonizing come in stages. Overreach too early and you'll go broke.
+ Most planets are now classes 5 through 10.
+ Home planet is now typically class 10.
+ Planetary improvements are more powerful. Less micro management.
+ Weapons and defenses recalibrated for better balance
+ Weapons and defenses tend to cost less than they did before
+ Alien research now tells you why a given race doesn't like you. Still being enhanced.
+ Tons of other tweaks, bug fixes, and other "stuff".

Comments (Page 3)
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on Nov 24, 2005
CTD after the third "New" game in a row...

Were you using CTRL+N to produce a new game?
on Nov 24, 2005
The right speak to arrow isn't working on the report tab under the foreign stats screen for one of the races. I can cycle to the right fine for the other races and I'm not having this problem on the other foreign stats tabs.

I'm playing the Acean Dilema so there are three other races.

Also I think it's spelled dilemma.
on Nov 24, 2005

Hello, since I'm new to the GalCiv universe, I'm not in a good position to question balancing issues, but I have found some usability problems that I consider "annoying":
First, I would like to be able to close the Planet / Ship List window with the same button used to open it, and second I would like to see the FIND and TURN buttons separated (a little) of the map, just to avoid the problem that activates those buttons when you want to click the edge of the map, and the same goes for the Zoom IN OUT thing, that takes even more map space (any other kind of fix is also welcome ).  Also, on the Stats Screen I loose all the table lines once I click any button on this screen (Economy, Military...)   

I'm sorry if all of this is already known, but I couldn't risk to not say them (at least I really want a Planet / Ship List toggle, it's more intuitive to me)

on Nov 24, 2005
No, I was using the menu to leave and start a new game while I was still in a game.
on Nov 24, 2005
Not sure if this is a bug or just part of the work in progress:

"String not Found" text in a window right after I lost a plnet to an invasion. I have the .err file if you want it.
on Nov 24, 2005
Frozen pointer bug still here. Visable point freezes and the pointer then can move, but it is invisable. have to reboot to recover the pointer, even in windows.
on Nov 24, 2005
Comment to #30, #31 and #34: I've also had some CTD (invalid option) when pressing CTRL-N 3 times, but when I tried to reproduce it I was unsuccessful, so I did not post this. But I had the problem when using CTRL-N. So it seems an intermittent problem, not something that happens always.
on Nov 24, 2005
When you play as custom race, you have a choice of 10 possible opponents. The bottom side of the screen allows you a choice of 1 through 9 opponents, but if you have 9, you can still click on the last one and press ENABLE !
This will get you 10 opponents. The selection at the bottom still lists NINE if you do this however, which is inconsistent.

The game is created with 11 races... I'll have to see if everything works correctly... Can the diplomacy screen handle 10 opponents? probably not.

When I go to the Foreign Policy screen, Treaties tab, my race XXX is mentioned in the header XXX Statistics (OK, I haven't met any other race yet), the picture of the Terran Alliance (Alan Bradley) is shown (correct, as I have chosen that picture) and the Drengin logo (also correct). And the right-hand panel of the screen (Treaty Summary) lists Terran Relations with XXX: unknown. All correct. Is this the default: if you've met no-one else, it lists the Terrans ?
on Nov 24, 2005
I just had a CTD (invalid call) when I was in a game, closed my TP (which enters standby mode), and then opened it up again. It is repeatable, but does NOT happen always. I'm sending a debug.err file to gc2bugs. It does mention:

Error flipping back buffer to primary buffer.
Device lost
Invalid call
Main Shell terminating normally
on Nov 24, 2005
When my second colony ship was created (I bought it after about 6 turns), I went via the GNN to the planet, pressed launch ship. This did not seem to work, so I did it again, and one more time, after selecting and deselecting the 1 ship listed in orbit. Then I pressed done... was back in the GNN list and pressed done. Immediately I was on the main screen, and got the load colonist window, which I set to 500, and accepted. The load colonist window came up again, again I put in 500, accepted, and for a third time I entered 500 and accepted (after all, I pressed LAUNCH 3 times ). Now I have 1 colony ship with 500 colonists, but my planet ended up with 1500 less inhabitants
This must be a bug....
on Nov 24, 2005
Basic Lab completion message on GNN lists Research 1 tp, while it is 6 tp on the planet screen. A cost of 25 bc seems also off a bit...
on Nov 24, 2005
There seems to be a balance problem with starting systems:
For Terran, Yor, Drengin, Drath and custom race, the starting system has a class 10 and class 4 planets
For the Arceans, the starting system as a class 11 (corresponding to 10 + 10% PQ) and a class 5
For Altarian, it is a class 12 and a class 3
For Torians, it is a class 10 and a class 6
For Korx, it is a class 10 and a class 8
For Thalian it is a class 15 planet
For Iconian, it is a class 15 and a class 3 planet
on Nov 24, 2005
I just had a GC2 crash when my screensaver kicked in (I think), just as I reported for beta 4b (post #154).
This time smartexception caugt it, so I'm sending in the details in a separate note.
on Nov 24, 2005
I thought minor races were supposed to be in? I have never met any.
on Nov 24, 2005
When playing with shipyard:
- the 6 latest extras don't have an icon: it shows only black
- upgrading custom design doesn't display the ship
- no way to duplicate easily a design
- when I start a new game, available previously designed ships are sometines in the "core" category and sometimes without anything displayed (like when upgrading)

For testing purposing I was playing as Thalan, have designed new colony ships at turn 1 and playing with metaverse and non metaverse games
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